Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Divine Itch!

Showing you as a witch
My mind repeatedly asked me to ditch

Turning off my mind's switch
You showed me it's just a mundane glitch

Infecting me with a divine itch
To experience life at its highest pitch

Now I, all I need to ditch
For you to make the ultimate stitch

But without you making my gears switch
How am I to hasten this ditch?

Isha Volunteer

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mystic's Musings

Taking it to be a book
I had a causal look

But my very spine did it shook
Setting me on his hook

Enormous kindness has it took
For him to pour immense life in a book

It's something that one cannot over-look
Missing the transformation of one's total outlook

Without reading this book
I would have just stayed on as kook

Better I also grasp his profound look
Else would waste this human form I took

Isha Volunteer

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Inner Engineering!


Many a good schools have I attended
Under many a good professors have I studied

Everyone taught me the subjects' fundamental
Shaping me as a bright intellectual

It did helped me a lot towards my survival
But fell apart when it came to my revival

Seeking the infinite in installments
I could not capitalize on any of my investments

Until he came from no where
Setting my mundane logic to fire

Instilled the ultimate knowledge
Even without my knowledge

As I very slowly grasp it
My life has started sprouting from it

He calls it Inner Engineering
But I feel it's the only engineering that's worth knowing!

Isha Volunteer